What expression would you use to instantiate a dictionary object that pairs names (key) with ages (value)?

  • Choose one of the options below

New Dictionary(of Int32, String)



New Dictionary(of String, Int32)



Dictionary (String, Int32)



Dictionary (Int32, String)


Pair the following methods that use the RegEx builder with the correct explanations.



Which of the following methods can be used to populate a list of strings type variable with the values John, Paul, George and Ringo?

  • Choose all the options that apply



    Set the Default value in the Variables panel to {"John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"}


    Set the Default value in the Variables panel to New List(of String) from {"John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"}


    Initiate the variable with New List(of String) and use Add To Collection activities to populate the list.


    Leave the Default value blank and use Add To Collection activities to populate the list.



Consider the string variable Letters = "abcdefg". 


What value would the expression Letters.Substring(1,2) return?

  • Choose one of the options below








What is the best collection data type to store several cake recipes (names and ingredients)?

  • Choose one of the options below







Consider a dictionary variable (BirthDates), of type String, String, that contains name and birth date pairs. They key values are the names. You want to add a new key / value pair using an Assign Activity (John Doe, Apr/20/1980). 


What expressions would you enter in the To and Value fields of the Assign activity?

  • Choose one of the options below

To: BirthDates(John Doe) Value: "Apr/20/1980"


To: BirthDates("Apr/20/1980") Value: "John Doe"



To: BirthDates("John Doe") Value: "Apr/20/1980"



To: "John Doe" Value: "Birth Dates"


Which activity can be used to write the content of a DataTable into a String?

  • Choose one of the options below



Clear Data Table


Generate Data Table


Output Data Table



Consider the list of strings ListOfContinents = {"Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Australia", "Europe", "North America", "South America"}. 


What value will the expression ListOfContinents(2) return?

  • Choose one of the options below








None, objects are not identified by their index in lists



Typical uses of RegEx include:

  • Choose all the options that apply

    Data scraping




    String parsing


    Input validation


    Interacting with UI elements


    String manipulation


What value will the following expression return? 


String.Format("{1} is {0}", "home", "John", "far away", 0, 1)

  • Choose one of the options below

"1 is 0"


"John is home"


"Home is far away"


"John is far away"

'Uipath > Foundation 퀴즈' 카테고리의 다른 글

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